The following materials have been designed to help deliver theory of knowledge tok in history at ib international baccalaureate level to my students at the international school of toulouse as well as making regular reference to tok issues within normal lessons, i also deliver three sessions of one hour each to all of year 12 whether or not they study history, and round the unit off by. Presentation on history for the ib theory of knowledge course. Part 1 knowers and knowing chapter 2 the nature of knowledge undefined. Second editionview all editions and formats summary. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The task of tok is to emphasize connections between areas of shared knowledge and link them to personal knowledge in such a. Written by experienced practitioners this resource for theory of knowledge for the ib diploma offers comprehensive coverage of and support for the new subject guide. Theory of knowledge tok international baccalaureate pearson. Circulation of knowledge lund university publications lunds. The ib theory of knowledge course companion is designed to be effective in discussionbased teaching. Complete content and assessment coverage for the new guide, including all the new ways of knowing and areas of knowledge, from the ibs most respected tok experts.
Areas of knowledge wikibooks, open books for an open world. History area of knowledge by anna skudarnova on prezi. Part 2 focuses on four major knowledge tools language, perception, reason and emotion. The areas of knowledge are highly organized aggregates of shared knowledge characterized by distinct subject matter and methods of inquiry. Philosophy guide fullerton joint union high school district. About the author nick alchin was the previous chief assessor for tok and taught at sevenoaks school in the uk. International baccalaureate diploma programme subject brief. What types of knowledge do teachers use to engage learners. Tok aims to explore this structure and to understand just what it is that.
The keys of enoch is a paraphysical text or codebook. We gather a very large amount of knowledge through language. The history of knowledge and the circulation of knowledge. In each area of knowledge the fundamental question is raised. Part 3 looks at problems of knowledge that arise in various. This digital edition of theory of knowledge for the ib diploma is fully revised for first examination in september 2015. This comprehensive book introduces the concepts and theories central for understanding knowledge. The arts and ethics are two areas of knowledge which cover a lot of common ground and many artists raise moral questions within their creations. The areas of knowledge roughly correspond with the groups of study within the ib programme, even though there are some additional realms of knowledge such as ethics, religion and indigenous knowledge which are relevant to tok. Pearson baccalaureate textbooks for ib diploma theory of knowledge tok. For example, to acquire knowledge we read information online, research findings of others, look through textbooks or listen to others like your teachers, for example. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The tok course examines the nature of knowledge and how we know what we claim to know.
Within your tok classes, you will also explore boundaries and overlaps between different areas of knowledge. Ive also appreciated the cyberworld, as i designed and facilitated online workshops. Areas of knowledge tok explorers various areas of knowledge aok. Theory of knowledge for the ib diploma second edition. The coursebook is a comprehensive, original and accessible approach to theory of knowledge, which covers all. Part 1 examines questions about the nature of knowledge. They are mathematics, the natural sciences, the human sciences, the arts, history, ethics, religious knowledge systems, and indigenous knowledge systems. The ib classification mathematics natural sciences human sciences history the arts ethics religious knowledge systems indigenous knowledge systems. The individual areas of knowledge have endured and have evolved. Art and identity go hand in hand, as can be seen through the way in which story telling, dance and performance plays an important role in indigenous communities. The areas of undergraduate preparation, preservice teacher education, and. History is not the same as the past the key concept to understand when dealing with this area of knowledge. The knowledge frameworks are useful tools to analyse the historical development, language, methodology and scope of each area of knowledge.
Tok distinguishes between eight areas of knowl edge. Areas of knowledge are specific branches of knowledge, each of which can be seen to have a distinct nature and different methods of gaining knowledge. The areas of knowledge are how we divide up and label the knowledge we possess. This is a very common mistake in essays and presentations, and should be avoided at all costs. Build confident critical thinkers who can process and articulate complex ideas in relevant, reallife contexts. Part 1, knowers and knowing, examines questions about the nature of knowledge.
Knowledge questions are rigorous inquiry questions about knowledge itself. Includes all the new ways of knowing and areas of knowledge. They are mathematics, the natural sciences, the human sciences, the arts, history, ethics, religious. As the name suggests, your theory of knowledge tok essay should focus on knowledge issues what is knowledge. History contributes to our sense of who we are in the world and how we are placed between the past and the future every topic raised. Welcome to the 2015 areas of knowledge the areas of knowledge are how we divide up and label the knowledge we possess. The theory of knowledge course of study requires a minimum of 100 hours over the years of two the ib dp ibo, 2008. I like the introduction tips at the beginning of the book as well. Why history has its own section, whereas geography or biology, for example, do not, is part of what i want to address in this section of the website.
The book provides roughly a hundred activities for classroom discussion on topics throughout the course. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. It is the job of tok to examine the basis for these firstorder claims. Ib theory of knowledge presentation on sense perception as a way of knowing. Demonstrate an ability to give a personal, self aware response to a knowledge issue and 6. Cambridge university presss mission is to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide. History is a privileged area of knowledge in that unlike most ib subjects, history has its own section in the tok syllabus. Tok teachers are the primary audience, although it is expected that teachers will use the guide to inform students and parents about the course. Theory of knowledge guide holy heart of mary high school. The idea is that each aok can be thought of, broadly speaking, as a coherent wholea vast system with a rich inner structure. Part 2, ways of knowing, focuses on four major knowledge tools language, perception, reason and emotion. Theory of knowledge for the ib diploma second edition by.
History history is an easy term to misunderstand, because most people think they understand what it refers to, when in fact they dont. Students tend to talk about these areas of knowledge as subjects or courses. History notes theory of knowledge i know youll find this tok history notes helpful, but there is an even better version available to our supporting members here the full history notes along with some very helpful tok videos and other sources for your tok essay and presentation. Developed directly with the ib for the 20 tok syllabus. Writing the theory of knowledge book with my coauthors was immensely absorbing, pulling together so many. It also punctuates chapters with questions for student reflection. A good knowledge question is crafted deliberately to be open, general and contentious. Theory of knowledge guide 1 introduction purpose of this document this publication is intended to guide the planning, teaching and assessment of theory of knowledge tok in schools.
Theory of knowledge for the ib diploma student book. Does the way the language that certain historical events are presented in history books influence the way that the reader understands these events. It does this by encouraging students to analyse knowledge claims and explore questions about the construction of knowledge. The inquirybased approach drives independent thought and helps learners explore ideas, questions and perspectives, equipping them with a higher level critical awareness.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Tok assessment consists of a presentation that is internally assessedwith students, also required to submit a tok essay of 1,2001,500 words from a list of topics supplied each year by the ib. Knowledge claims and knowledge questions knowledge claims in tok there are two types of knowledge claims. Epistemology, or the theory of knowledge, is concerned with how we know what we do, what justifies us in believing what we do, and what standards of evidence we should use in seeking truths about the world and human experience. Areas of knowledge are socially constructed and incorporate the tok themes in various nuanced combinations. L inking the different areas of knowledge aok with different ways of knowing wok can be quite challenging at times.
The book consists of three main parts and a conclusion. The task of tok is to emphasize connections between areas of shared knowledge and link them to personal knowledge in such. I now attempted to link history with language, logics, emotion and sense perception. Tok colleagues as i led workshops and worked on the assessment team. The tok course identifies 8 different areas of knowledge, but although the nature of the knowledge within them undoubtedly varies, you should be aware that there is a great deal of overlapping both amongst themselves, and with the ways of knowing. History is an area of knowledge that studies the recorded past. It is succinct and grammatical, uses tok vocabulary, and merits discussion and evaluation rather than a single, definitive response. These areas of knowledge are fields of study in which we try to gain knowledge through the ways of knowing. Given that we need to make links between different areas of knowledge, it is not advisable to. Tok paper the international baccalaureate ib theory of knowledge essay is a 12001600 word essay on prescribed topics or titles created by the ib. Tok distinguishes between eight areas of knowledge.
History in tok the correspondence check our interests shift with time and circumstance, so history must be frequently brought up to date. Some exciting suggestions are provided in the essays. Developed directly with the ib for the current syllabus. Claims that are made within particular areas of knowledge or by individual knowers about the world. I will then consider the questions of what the history of knowledge has to add to the research questions and approaches upon which it rests but also partially calls into question and what new perspectives and insights it might off er. This students book is supported by dynamic learning, which offers teaching and learning resources that include a guide to teaching the course and classroom activities, plus a unique lesson builder tool to help teachers collate and organise a range of resources into. Draw links and makes effective comparisons between different approaches to knowledge issues that derive from areas of knowledge, ways of knowing, theoretical positions and cultural values.
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